I am different, hope you don’t mind

‘I am different, hope you don’t mind’ is the title of the first book from our initiative The Stories We Write. Contribute to this book with a community of people who, like you, write their short story about being different or feeling different. Write your own life-story or life-changing event. Share this with family, friends and a wider circle of people.

In my own contribution to this book I want to take you along on a major change in my role as a father. In 1987 I became the proud father of a son. Now, 30 years later, that son is my daughter. My child is different now, although that didn’t happen overnight. She will write about this in the first edition as one of the stories in ‘The Stories We Write’.

Are you different, or do you feel different ?

We would like to receive more stories about people being or feeling different. Are you different from other people or have you ever felt different in any way and have you ever felt like writing that down and sharing that with others?

This might be an opportunity as we want to compile stories as yours. Take courage. You don’t have to be the best writer. Write from the heart and exercise your skills in the meantime. We want to publish your story.

It would be such a collective performance to share wonderful stories with family, friends and if possible sharing them in a wider circle. We would be most greatful if we can pursuade you to back us. 

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